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Promotion Agency Berlin

Our Promotion makes the difference

Our experienced promoters and promotion hostesses approach potential customers personally and professional to start their first contact to your product or service just right.

Always ambitious our promoters from Berlin. and other german cities such as Dresden, manage to arouse interest of potential customers and leave a lasting impression. Convince yourself!

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A friendly smile, a competent consultation and a captivating temper make the difference.

Diverse promotion with our Promotion Agency Berlin

Promotion hostesses at the InterTabac

In the area of sales promotion your will find various options to attract attention and achieve success through creative measures.

An example of this is the so-called sampling promotion.  Our strong communicative promoters and promotion hostesses distribute free samples of your product to passengers in order to create a first point of contact between potential customers and product. This type of promotion is still very effective to win new customers.

Tastings are another popular way of promotion. Who would say no to free samples of unknown delicacies that are attractively presented to you? Basically this strategy works similar to sampling promotion. Customers may convince themselves of the product and are thus encouraged to buy it.

Advertising campaigns in clubs, at events or in pubs are particularly popular for products and services that are intended to attract the interest of a young or trend-conscious audience. The appealing and charming hostesses of our Promotion Agency Berlin take over all tasks for a successful promotion campaign, from the distribution of flyers and samplings to the the conduction of lotteries. 

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Effective fair promotion for your success

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Why you won't regret hiring a Promotion Agency in Berlin!

Large cities such as Potsdam, Leipzig, Dresden and Berlin are no easy place when it comes to successful advertisement. Particulary start-ups often face a great challenge when competing with already established brands and renowned companies. Therefore it is even more important to create a campaign that remains in the costumers mind and sets the right incentive for the final purchasing decision.

Promotion in all its different shapes is the way to go! In order to get the most out of your promotion, you definitely need the right expertise and experience. As a professional Promotion Agency, we will provide you with the necessary support to implement your promotion in an ideal way. Our hostesses give potential customers nationwide a positive first impression of your product and therefore guarantee an optimal first contact with your brand or company.

Let's get started right away!

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